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US Legal Forms

Updated December 2, 2024

US Legal Forms is part of the airSlate suite of business services and delivers over 85,000 US legal forms sorted by state. It’s a simple platform that helps you start and grow your business while keeping your forms secure and compliant.


  • Big variety of forms
  • Search forms by state
  • Premium plan includes pdfFiller and SignNow
  • Many customer support options
  • Easy to use

  • Subscription required
  • Drastic price jump from annual to monthly plan
  • Some limitations to fillable spaces
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Best for Legal Business Needs
Features score
Pricing score
Support score
Reputation score

What is US Legal Forms?

Paying individually for a legal document or multiple legal forms can quickly get pricey—that’s where US Legal Forms by airSlate comes in. It provides a secure, legally compliant, and affordable way to fill out and sign all your business’s legal documents. You can choose from over 85,000 legal documents sorted by state.

us legal forms by state search

Search for forms by state.

On select plans and as part of the airSlate suite of business services, you also get pdfFiller and SignNow. These allow you to create and fill out editable PDF documents and send them out for legal signatures. Digital notary services are also included.

In our research, we came across many positive user reviews that praise the platform for being easy to use, affordable, and a good value for the price.

Is US Legal Forms legit?

Founded in 1999, US Legal Forms has become a trusted resource for over three million SMBs, attorneys, lawyers, and individuals seeking help handling common legal matters. The library has over 85,000 legal forms you can sort by state or industry.

Get Started Visit US Legal Form’s website.

How much does US Legal Forms cost?

US Legal Forms plans start at $8

Starting price:
$8 per month
Free trial:
Not Available
Free version:
Not Available
US Legal Forms Pricing & Plans
Basic Premium
Starting at $8 /mo Starting at $15 /mo

What’s included in every US Legal Forms plan?

US Legal Forms offers two subscriptions: Basic and Premium. You can pay monthly or annually, but it’s worth noting that the annual price is much lower than if you pay month to month. In the Basic plan, you can access over 85,000 US legal forms covering personal and business needs, plus full-level data security.

In the Premium plan, you get access to other services. You get pdfFiller, an online PDF editor and fillable form builder, SignNow, which allows you to sign and send documents to be signed, Last Will, Power of Attorney services, and Living Will/Health Care Directive. You also get 50% off business and legal entity formation services.

us legal forms by industry search

Search for forms by industry.

Get Started Visit US Legal Form’s website.

Which features does US Legal Forms offer?

Software Features
Variety of forms available
Multiple formats of forms
Data security
Access to legal resources
Digital notary services

Other notable US Legal Forms features

  • Access to pdfFiller
  • Access to SignNow
  • Completion services
  • Compliance tools
  • Discount on legal entity formation services

What types of support does US Legal Forms offer?

Data Migration
1-on-1 Live Training
Self-Guided Online Training
Knowledge Base
Email Support
Live Chat
Phone Support

US Legal Forms user review highlights

We analyzed 151 user reviews about US Legal Forms from 3 third-party review websites to provide this summary.

As a whole, there aren’t many reviews in the legal forms category. Of the reviews we read for US Legal Forms, we found it performs well for users. One common complaint users have is that there’s an extra step in the fill spaces, which several users think could be removed to make it faster to use. Some also don’t like paying the subscription but still find it more cost-effective than paying for each form individually. And finally, some users say you have to wade through a lot of forms that aren’t useful to find the one you need.

On the flip side, users agree that the sheer number and variety of forms available adds huge value. Several reviewers comment that the state-specific forms are especially helpful. In general, users appreciate that they can find all forms fast, that the service is reliable, and that it helps with clauses and formatting.

  • Ease of Setup – There wasn’t any mention of setup in the reviews we read.
  • Ease of Use – Users find locating the forms they need easy.
  • Features – Reviewers mention ease of use, reliability, and a good variety of legal forms in their comments.
  • Quality of Support – We did not find any mention of customer support in any user reviews.
  • Value for Money – Several users report that US Legal Forms adds a significant value as paying for forms individually would be costly.

US Legal Forms Contact Information

Parent Company:
airSlate, Inc.
Jackson, MI
Year Founded:
Twitter (X):

SignNow alternatives

Software Starting Price B2B Reviews Score
US Legal Forms $8 / month 4.8
pdfFiller $8 / month 4.9
DocHub $10 / month 4.8

US Legal Forms Reviews

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